Classes, Workshops, Study Groups and Private instruction teaching the following courses :
Heal Thyself — 100 Hour Ayurveda for Self-care Certification Course:
The course emphasizes a practical study of the principles of Ayurveda for self-healing, healthy living and natural preventive medicine and how to practice them as part of living a Yogic lifestyle
You Will Learn:
¨ The history and spiritual background of Ayurveda
¨ How to determine your own constitution and how to asses others
¨ Anatomy & Physiology – Stages of Disease
¨ Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment
¨ Constutional and Therapeutic Lifestyle Guidelines
¨ Ayurvedic Herbal Therapy
¨ Dietary Therapy and Cooking
¨ Mantra Therapy and meditation
¨ Ayurvedic Yoga
Ayurveda For Yoga Teachers
Over 75 hours of study within a 200hour Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher Training program including Vedic Studies, Raja Yoga Meditation methods and Ayurveda.
Meditation and Self-awareness
Progressive techniques of Raja Yoga, Tantra and Kriya Yoga, which lead one from Asana, through Pranayama, Pratyahara and Dharana into Dhyana silence of mind – Meditation.
The Source Teachings of Yoga (also as – Veda Darshan – a Vedic Studies study group)
A series of workshops exploring the wisdom of the ancient Himalayan Seers from the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras and other classic texts.
500 Hour Advanced Teacher Certification Training
Developed for those that wish to build on their 200 hr. program certification, deepen their education, and experience a profound transformative immersion into the traditional integral application of the ancient sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda.
The program includes:
• Yoga and Ayurveda as healing therapy.
• Ayurveda applied to all 8 limbs of Yoga.
•Ayurvedic Yoga for group classes & private practice.
•The Inner practices of Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Tantra and Mantra.
•Sanskrit, the language of Yoga & Ayurveda.
• In depth study of the classic Ayurveda Yoga Texts.